
2024-06-01     省電俠     反饋

椰子燒曲奇🍪太好吃了❗️巧克力和椰子鎖死🔒 今天做了椰子燒曲奇,太好吃了😋酥酥脆脆,椰子味超濃~夾心是黑白巧克力,很絲滑~快去做姐妹們❗️














Coconut cookies🍪 are so delicious❗️Chocolate and coconut are locked together🔒 I made coconut cookies today, so delicious😋 Crispy and crunchy, with a strong coconut flavor~ The filling is black and white chocolate, very smooth~ Go and make it sisters❗️

Coconut cookies🍪

🥛 Ingredients:

Biscuit part: 90g butter, 25g powdered sugar, 130g low-gluten flour, 20g almond powder, 1g salt, 10g coconut

Coconut filling part: 60g egg whites, 30g melted coconut oil, 25g powdered sugar, 60g coconut

Filling part: dark chocolate, white chocolate, crushed peanuts, freeze-dried strawberry crushed

🥛 Method:

1⃣️After softening the butter, add powdered sugar and salt and stir Beat evenly;

2⃣️Add low flour, almond powder and coconut flakes and mix well to form a dough;

3⃣️Roll it out into a sheet and use a mold to press out a round shape⭕️, about 4 cm in diameter;

4⃣️Put it on a baking tray and put it in a preheated oven at 150 degrees. Bake for 8 minutes and take it out;

5⃣️Combine the melted coconut oil and egg whites, add low flour and mix well, then add coconut flakes and mix well, put it into a piping bag, and squeeze it around the outside of the biscuits;

6⃣️Continue baking for about 15 minutes until the surface is golden brown;

7⃣️After cooling, melt the chocolate, squeeze it in the center, and put peanut crumbs, freeze-dried strawberry crumbs, etc. on the surface.

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